Sunday 27 January 2008

Nutty about Fruit

Breakfast today was en famille, and Hannah ate bitesize shredded wheat. I also gave her one of my asda cranberry wheats, and after tasting it she tried to find the cranberry in all of her (cranberry free) shredded wheats. Is that mean???

For lunch she had about half a ton of fruit. There were two slices of galia melon, a (tinned) pear, and a banana. As well as this fruit extravaganza there were two or three yogurt covered pecan nuts. It was the first time we've given her nuts, and we weren't sure how she'd get on, but she managed just fine. Mind you, mostly she just sucked all the yogurt covering off the nuts and discarded them. It was just like toast all over again :oD

Dinner was a slice of beans on toast, another pear, and a rusk. She ate the lot, and drank a lot of the water in her sippy cup too. All in all it's been a very good day indeed - we'll have to see what tomorrow brings.

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